How many young lives will your gift change?
Too many young people are lost and alone right now in a struggle against pornography. Invest in love and freedom for young adults!
Please donate today to support our Breaking the Silence Podcast! You’ll be part of inspiring young adults with the courage to reach out and help each other to heal from the damage of pornography on their lives and relationships.
Enter your donation on this form below. Whether you give a one-time donation or a monthly recurring gift, we’re so grateful for your support!
With education and inspiration through our Breaking the Silence Podcast, young people have the power:
- to break the shame and silence on pornography
- to create a new culture of connection
- to reach out to help each other heal
- to work toward integrity, real relationships, and healthy sexuality
- to go forward in their education, careers, dating relationships, marriages, parenting, and spiritual life free from the trap of pornography
That’s our vision and together we’re making it happen!
You can put the power of courage, compassion, and connection into the hands of the rising generation.
Your gift goes straight to work to help young adults spark a real transformation for their generation.

Our Breaking the Silence Podcast gives young adults practical, inspiring ways to talk openly about tough issues and build strong relationships. Listening to our podcast is a safe, private way for young adults to learn about tough issues even when they’re too afraid to tell anyone else what they’re going through.
Our content is a safe, values-based source of good information from experts and other young adults. We promote values in line with teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and many other faith communities.
When you donate to Reach 10, you help make a better future possible for young adults, free from the trap of pornography.
Please consider being a supporting partner in this cause by donating today. Monthly recurring donations help the Breaking the Silence Podcast keep going!
We are powered by love and donations.
On behalf of every young person impacted by pornography, thank you for reaching out to give.
Reach 10 is a non-profit organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Reach 10 are tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for more information.
For questions about donations please contact us.